The Stud, the Nerd, the Average Joe, and the Saint is the 34th episode of The Looney Tunes Show.
The episode starts with Daffy asking Bugs what their home phone number is when he gets a new phone, because he dropped his old one in the toilet. Then he asks what Porky's number is. After Bugs answers him, Daffy asks what Porky's last name is. Bugs is surprised that Daffy doesn't know Porky’s last name is Pig, but Daffy thinks the name is hilarious, previously believing it to be a nickname. Daffy then asks how you spell it. Later, Yosemite Sam knocks on the door because he wants Bugs to sign a petition that would let Sam get his guns back, which were confiscated by legal authorities. Bugs asks why the guns were taken away in the first place, and Yosemite says that he has no idea. Flashbacks, however, reveal that Yosemite shot an elevator door, started shootings a restaurant when his meal wasn’t prepared correctly, and started shouting an amusement park when he wasn’t y’all enough to ride one of the rides. Bugs refuses to sign, but Daffy does without even knowing what the petition is about. In the next scene, Daffy and Porky are having lunch at Pizzarriba. Daffy asks if he's sure the surname Pig isn't short for anything, such as “Pigmen” or “Pigstein”. After Speedy Gonzales brings their food, Daffy is confused that Porky got a salad instead of pizza. Porky explains that he's been trying to eat more healthy because he's training for the upcoming marathon. Daffy is shocked that Porky signed up for a marathon, spitting his food in Porky’s face. He then challenges Porky to a race, calling him a chicken. Porky wins (offscreen). Porky tries to shake his hand, but Daffy arrogantly slaps it away. He then reveals that he’ll be entering the marathon too. Porky is excited that he’ll have someone to run with, but all Daffy cares about it is beating him.
The next day, Bugs spits out his coffee in shock when Daffy says he's going for a run. After informing him about the marathon, Daffy tells Bugs that in their group of friends , Porky is the the Nerd, Bugs is the Average Joe, and he is the Jock and the Hunk. This is why Daffy feels he must beat Porky. When Daffy leaves, Bugs hears something at Sam's house. Sam is trying to hit his smoke detector with a baseball bat, because it keeps beeping. But Yosemite gets mad when Bugs replaces the battery which was why it was beeping. Sam is mad, because now he owes Bugs a favor in return, and doesn’t like owing anything to anybody. He then asks Bugs what his favorite cake is, to pay him back. Bugs tells him carrot, but Yosemite tells him chocolate is the only kind he knows how to make and shuts the door in his face. Meanwhile, Daffy is in the hospital and Dr. Weisberg tells Speedy what happened. Speedy wonders why they called him, but Dr. Weisberg tells him that Speedy's number is Daffy's emergency number on his new phone.
When Dr. Weisberg leaves, Daffy wakes up. He then tells Speedy that Speedy is the Dependable one, Bugs is the Uptight one, Porky is the Buffoon and that he is the Stud. He then asks Speedy to help him beat Porky in the marathon. When Speedy asks why him, so Daffy tells Speedy that Speedy is the Saint, Bugs is the Buffoon, Porky is the Dependable one, and he is the Smart one. Speedy is confused, but he agrees and Daffy faints afterwards.
However, it turns out that Daffy is in a horrible state of health, thanks to a lack of excercise and a zero nutrition. Apparently, every single meal he eats he fries and coats with powdered sugar. For snacks, he drinks root beer and “energy bars”, which is actually cookie dough. Daffy can barely run 10 feet (in the style of a woman with a purse) without exhausting himself.
One night, Bugs wakes up to see that Yosemite’s house is on fire, since Sam never turned the oven off after baking the cake. Bugs calls 911, and rushes in, saving Yosemite from the flames, who becomes stuck under two wooden beams. At the hospital, Yosemite tells Bugs that now he is indebted to Bugs until he can save his life in return. Later, at home, Bugs drinks some coffee and quietly coughs. To his horror, Yosemite jumps through the window, thinking he is choking. Sam gives him violent chest compressions until Bugs kicks him against the wall. Bugs demands to know why Yosemite was watching him, but Sam just says that he can’t sleep at night, knowing he owes Bugs back. Hours later, Gossamer knock’s on Bugs' door, but is trapped in a bet by Sam, who is trying to “save Bugs from a monster”.
Eventually Bugs is so fed up with Sam that he calls Porky, asking to him to hit him with his car. Bugs’ plan is that Yosemite, who is watching him, will “save” him and stop aggravating Bugs. Reluctantly, Porky listens to Bugs’ plan and quickly drives towards him at an intersection. Meanwhile, Speedy forces Daffy to do some stretches, and Daffy screams in agony. The scream catches Yosemite off guard, and Porky collided with both of them. At the hospital once more, Dr. Weisburg suggests that Bugs get some new friends.
Finally, the day of the marathon arrives and Bugs is given the honor of shooting the starting pistol to start the race. When the announcer hands the gun to Bugs, Yosemite jumps out from the crowd knocking the gun on the ground, claiming that the man was trying to shoot Bugs. Bugs lies, saying that Yosemite did save him, and if he can have it back now to start the race. But Yosemite, missing his old guns, shoots the starting pistol everywhere, starting the race.
Due to Daffy's lack of skills and poor health he ends up giving up at the very beginning of the race, after a couple of yards. Porky, not letting Daffy give up, ends up literally carrying him all the way to the finish line, which takes almost a full day.
However after the race is over and everyone is at Speedy’s, Daffy sees a photo showing that his beak crossed the finish line before Porky. Restoring the 'natural order' as he see's it. Giving the others degratory titles (Calling Speedy simply 'the mouse') while taking all of the positive titles for himself, (The Stud, the Saint, the Genius, etc.)...
At court, Yosemite faces more charges for firing the starting pistol. He tries to show his petition to the judge, but the only signatures are from Daffy, which are titled as his nicknames.
In the WBA logo gag, Sam asks the audience to sign his petition.
Actor | Voice(s) |
Jeff Bergman | Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck |
Bob Bergen | Porky Pig |
Maurice LaMarche | Yosemite Sam |
Kwesi Boakye | Gossamer |
Fred Armisen | Speedy Gonzales |
Garry Marshall | Dr. Weisberg |
Witch Lezah appeared in this episode but had no lines.
- Daffy: Oh hey! What's your home phone number?
Bugs: The same as your home phone number. - Daffy: (to Porky about his last name) So it's not even short for anything like Pigman or Pigstein? It's just Pig?
- Daffy: You may have won the battle, but I will win the war!
Porky: There's no war!
Daffy: Yes there is! I'm entering the marathon! - Daffy: How do I look?
Speedy: Like a woman with high heels, carrying a purse!
- This is the longest episode title in the entire series.
- The episode title appears to be based off the phrase "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." This was a nickname for the late musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the "Big Bopper," all of whom died in a plane crash in 1959.
- Lola is absent for the first time in Season Two.
- This was the first time Yosemite Sam has been seen with his guns in the show; however, it was only in a flashback.
- The scene where Yosemite said, "You can have my gun when you prior from my cold, dead..." is a reference in the hit TV series SpongeBob SquarePants.
- The episode title appears to be based off the phrase "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." This was a nickname for the late musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the "Big Bopper," all of whom died in a plane crash in 1959.
Production Art
The Looney Tunes Show Season Two Episodes |
Bobcats on Three! | You've Got Hate Mail | Itsy Bitsy Gopher | Rebel Without a Glove | Semper Lie | Father Figures | Customer Service The Stud, the Nerd, the Average Joe, and the Saint | It's a Handbag | A Christmas Carol | We're In Big Truffle | Dear John | Daffy Duck Esquire Spread Those Wings and Fly | The Black Widow | Mrs. Porkbunny's | Gribbler's Quest | The Grand Old Duck of York | Ridiculous Journey The Shell Game | Year of the Duck | Gossamer is Awesomer | Here Comes The Pig | Mr. Weiner | Best Friends Redux | Super Rabbit |